• When you say "commit crimes" I presume you mean take risks. A "good IT project manager" isn't going to commit crimes... we take risks every day.

    The director of infrastructure where I work asks the question "what have you saved me this week?".

    It goes deeper than the weekly question. Every employee has annual written goals, reviewed and revised bi-annually, that include an acknowledgment of commitment to saving money. Our annual bonuses are based on this along with other factors. It's a culture thing, and everyone is involved.

    Saving money is paramount; risk taking minimized, and crimes, well, not committed.

    During 14 years in the Pentagon, it was often noted that we spend more time in front of the vending machine buying a 50 cent candy bar than we do when spending hundreds, if not hundreds of thousands, of dollars – taxpayer’s money.

    Perhaps that's a crime in itself?

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982