Home Forums SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005 Integration Services SSIS package is scheduledas SQL agent job but while connecting todata sources, it is usingsql agent account to connect , not the connections defined in configurations RE: SSIS package is scheduledas SQL agent job but while connecting todata sources, it is usingsql agent account to connect , not the connections defined in configurations

  • kittu123 (6/11/2008)

    Thanks for all the suggestions. Finally I find the reason for failing. It is alias issue on X64 bit connecting to 32 bit.

    Initially I created on only Alias under SQL Native Client Configuration(32 bit) . Because of this SSIS package is running fine with DTEXECUI .

    Where as sql job or XP_cmdshell looks for alias under sql native client for 64 bit.

    after adding alias under 64 bit, SSIS package is running fine on both DTEXECUI & dtexec and in query window also.

    I fell main reason is name resolution issue: some components looks for alias under 32 bit & few looks under 64 bit. Adding alias under both 32 & 64 bit resolved this problem .


    What kind of alias are you refering to ?

    Can you post the statement you executed to create this alias ?

    I'm having issues using ssis to export data to a local msaccess.mdb on x64.

    (only sqlserver is installed on this server)


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