• I have been toying with using this sort of thing in our environment. One problem I ran into was the using the stored procs to update the table and figuring out the best way to automate it as much as possible for dba's or developers.

    I came up with this script that will generate the EXEC statement based on it being one environment. You just have to put in your ConfigurationFilter. It works for me but feel free to add or take away.

    --Generate SQL for setting the values

    --EXEC dbo.SSIS_Config_SetValues 'Filter',N'Path',N'New value'


    DECLARE @sql varchar(1000), @filter varchar(1000), @rc int, @PackagePath varchar(1000)

    --insert your filter here

    SET @filter = 'InsertYourConfigurationFilterHere'

    SELECT ConfigurationFilter, PackagePath

    INTO #Config

    FROM dbo.SSIS_Config_base


    ConfigurationFilter = @filter

    SELECT @rc = 1, @PackagePath = MIN(PackagePath)

    FROM #Config

    WHILE @rc 0


    --dynamic sql to generate the statements

    --EXEC dbo.SSIS_Config_SetValues 'Filter',N'Path',N'New value'

    SELECT @sql = ''

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'EXEC ' + 'dbo.' + 'SSIS_Config_SetValues '

    SELECT @sql = @sql + '''' + @filter + '''' + ',N' + '''' + @PackagePath + ''''

    SELECT @sql = @sql + ',N' + '''' + 'newvalue' + ''''

    PRINT (@sql)

    SELECT TOP 1 @PackagePath = PackagePath

    FROM #Config

    WHERE PackagePath > @PackagePath

    ORDER BY PackagePath

    SET @rc = @@ROWCOUNT


    DROP TABLE #Config