• Scott:

    Excellent article! Your insight to the configuration issue is spot on and brings with it a tremendous amount of merit.

    When you mentioned that you started with the group and discovered all the great opportunities to improve things (newly ported DTS packages to SSIS with no CFG file), I thought about how you went about deriving your clever solution and the angst from your peers and management in terms of your future implementation plan for integrating. I wonder how tough of a "sell" it was to your peers and management. This is ALWAYS where the rubber meets the pavement...delivery of the concept is key and requires a grass roots or bottom up sell.

    It seems this is where some of us get into trouble when conveying a solution to a problem and managing the push-back from others. Your solution is obvisouly clever and in my opinion extremely well-thought out. Your solution here is a testament to your future success.

