• This is a great article, Solomon. Thank you.

    I do have some comments about the C# code. As daniel.janz already pointed out,

    If you wrap a object into a using scope it will automatically be Disposed (and therefore closed) if an exception is thrown. The call to the Close() method in your finally block will then cause another excetion because its called on a already disposed object.

    I can add another point because it is amazing how many people consistently do it incorrectly. The SqlCommand inherits from DbCommand which in turn implements IDisposable interface. This means that a variable of SqlCommand reference type must be disposed, for example by enclosing it in the using block. The type does not implement Close() so wrapping it into using block will suffice. The using blocks exist entirely for our convenience, the compiler does not have a concept of using block and simply restates our code to try/finally whenever it finds using {}. It is a matter of pure luck based on the simple fact that the Microsoft's wrappers under SqlCommand are written so well that we can get away with forgetting to dispose it. If you needed to use OleDb connecting to something like Sybase (yes, I used the "S" word, sorry) then you will see how quickly the code would come to a screeching halt, so bad that the connection timeout related messages from the database engine will not even make it back to the C# code, which in turn will happily seat on the same line for days if you wish until someone will kill the process.

    The implementation of the using blocks in your sample code needs to be adjusted in all places related to both connection and stream reader. When the IDisposable type variable goes out of using scope, the framework calls its respective Dispose() method, which will attempt to call the Close() if present and then delegate the work to the protected Dispose(bool disposing) where disposing will be passed as true. This is by design is because some people opt to use the using blocks, some prefer to explicitly call Close() and then Dispose() and finally, there are people who unfortunately do nothing in which case the protected Dispose(bool disposing) will be called from destructor passing false as a disposing parameter though.

    In other words, if you remove your finally blocks, add respective calls to Close() methods, and wrap the SqlCommands into using blocks the code will be fine.

    The article is great, it is good to learn about alternative to bulk methods.
