Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Error converting data type nvarchar to float RE: Error converting data type nvarchar to float

  • peter478 (5/21/2009)

    Hi ,

    one more thing:

    ALTER Procedure dbo.UPdata


    @e_Nplan char(20),

    @e_Ncas char(20)



    Update Cis_OP_NO

    SET N_Cas100ks = convert(float,replace(@e_Ncas,',','.'))

    Where N_Kplan = @e_Nplan


    Error message:

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not premitted when the subquery follows =, =! , ....

    Could you give some suggests how to solve it?



    The code you posted above can't be the entire stored proc code, since the error message talks about a subquery. Please post the entire procedure as well as a script to create the table Cis_OP_NO and to populate it with some test data. Makes everyone's life easier and will get you proper answers much quicker.



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