• Thanks for the link Paul.

    When my application starts, Physical files back-up is taken(auto). But the problem is transactions entered after back-up. There is no backup plan strategy, now I am working on it, because for so many days the application was in implementation.

    The pain is, I restored the back-up file by attaching them. When my application try to insert a record the following error returned.

    Server: Msg 823, Level 24, State 2, Line 1

    I/O error (torn page) detected during read at offset 0x000005246cc000 in file 'D:\Package\Database\BranchToHo_data.MDF

    Connection Broken

    Could you please guide the kind of Back-up Plan that I can Introduce.

    Everyday minimum of 1000 records are updated in each database and

    Data transferred minimum 2 times.

    Thanks for your advice.