• William Hutton (5/12/2009)

    I think it's just a matter of ...elegance? To me using Row_Number() statements (and CTEs in general) are easier to write and easier to follow in specific situations (provided the one reading knows what they do). And I can tell you just from testing this morning that the Row_Number() query has a performance improvement over the left joins and isnull tests I had been using previously.

    Do they? How big is it? Is that before or after you make a clustered index on the four significant columns? In figure 4 it looks like a well-indexed table is faster when queried by the sub-query approach. And since this table is going to be used in lots and lots of joins besides the one in the article, it needs to be well-indexed anyway.

    The comparison of query plans in the article is skewed because the 14 nested subqueries can be replaced by a single select with 4 left outer joins, and it is that query plan comparison I'd be interested in seeing.

    Also, isn't that subquery getting the max release version and standard cost as well, while the Row_Number() version is not?