• I am having trouble getting the SSIS to work. I should mention I am using SS 2005 and VS 2005 and that I am a novice as SSIS and XML.

    I created the Control FLow objects, Get XML from Database and the Transform XML with XSL into HTTP. What I am having problems with is the Transform object, First issue is what XML files to place where in the Transform task. I have set the input as the transform.xsl and the output as the files where I want the info to go and the Second Operand as the saved result (saved as DBTables.xml) from the SQL script which created the XML for the tables in the database. However when I try and run the package I get the following error:

    [XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "XSLT compile error.".

    So I don't know if I have the files in the wrong places or what. Plus when I tried to validate the XML file generated from the script it has the error:

    Missing document type Declaration [DTD]

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
