I can think of a couple of ways off the top of my head, but there are probably others.

    1. Using variables and expressions.

    2. Using a script task(!)

    The choice depends to some extent on whether you are just producing one file and therefore just need to append or prepend the date to a single filename, or, you need to loop through multiple files and so have a different filename each time, in which case a Script Task combined with a For Each loop would probably be the way to go.

    For a single file, create two variables - one to store the filename and one to store the current date which you can get from executing a simple Execute SQL task, returning getdate() and doing a CAST or CONVERT to get the result in the format you want, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd.

    You can then use an expression on your filename variable to append or prepend the contents of the date variable.

    To illustrate the idea, the first attached screenshot shows a variable in one of my packages (in fact I have this variable in all my packages) whose value is hardcoded, i.e. no set using an expression.

    The second screenshot shows a second variable whose value is set dynamically using an expression, based on the value of the first variable.

    If you go down the Script Task route and need to process multiple files then something like this script will give you a list of files which you can then pass to a For Each loop. Within the For Each loop you could append or prepend the date to the filename of each individual file:

    Option Strict Off

    Imports System

    Imports System.Data

    Imports System.Math

    Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime

    Imports System.Collections

    Imports System.IO

    Public Class ScriptMain

    Private listForEnumerator As ArrayList

    ' This script builds an array of *.xls files that is passed to an Object type

    ' variable for later use in a ForEach loop.

    Public Sub Main()

    Dim varSourceDirectory As String

    Dim varLocalFileList() As String

    Dim varLocalFile As String 'to store full path and name of each file

    Dim varFirstLevelSubFolder As String 'to store name of each sub-folder

    Dim varProviderCount As Int16

    Dim varArrPath As Array

    Dim varProviderName As String

    Dim vd As VariableDispenser = Dts.VariableDispenser

    Dim vars As Variables

    vd.LockForRead("vSourceDirectory") 'passed in from Package

    vd.LockForRead("vExecuteFor") 'contains value of /SET option in job step used to execute package

    'for a single Provider

    vd.LockForWrite("vFileList") 'will hold the array contents




    listForEnumerator = New ArrayList

    varSourceDirectory = vars("vSourceDirectory").Value.ToString

    'If sub folders exist one level below the SourceDirectory, look in each

    'sub folder for .xls files and add them to the array.

    If Directory.GetDirectories(varSourceDirectory).Length > 0 Then

    varProviderCount = 0

    For Each varFirstLevelSubFolder In Directory.GetDirectories(varSourceDirectory)

    varLocalFileList = Directory.GetFiles(varFirstLevelSubFolder, "*.xls")

    varArrPath = Split(varFirstLevelSubFolder, "\")

    varProviderName = varArrPath(UBound(varArrPath))

    'MsgBox("Provider: " & varProviderName, MsgBoxStyle.Information)

    For Each varLocalFile In varLocalFileList


    'MsgBox("File name: " & System.IO.Path.GetFileName(varLocalFile), MsgBoxStyle.Information)


    varProviderCount += 1

    If varProviderName = vars("vExecuteFor").Value.ToString Then

    Exit For

    End If


    End If


    'MsgBox("Number of Providers: " & varProviderCount.ToString, MsgBoxStyle.Information)

    vars("vFileList").Value = listForEnumerator 'Pass the contents of the array to an object variable for use later in the package

    vars("Cnt_ProviderCount").Value = varProviderCount


    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success

    Catch ex As Exception

    Dts.Events.FireError(0, "", ex.Message & ControlChars.CrLf & ex.StackTrace, String.Empty, 0)

    Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure

    End Try

    vd = Nothing

    End Sub

    End Class

    There are many good examples of using Script Tasks by Jaime Thomson at http://blogs.conchango.com

