• Paul Paiva (5/7/2009)


    As was clearly stated in the "Purpose/Scope" section of the article, the intention is to show how you can use a script task to send email. It did not state that it is the best approach in all cases.

    ... I am often surprised that so many people have a need to display their arrogance and "always be right." While some are courteous, thoughtful, and considerate, some are not...


    I am not sure whether you post was aimed at me, but I feel compelled to defend myself! The title of the article was 'Sending Mail In SSIS Using Script Task- Simpler and Flexible Approach' and I personally I disagree that it is simpler than using the Send Mail task with expressions. I am certainly not saying that no one should ever use a Script Task as Manish suggests, merely that it wouldn't be my choice and judging by other comments posted it would not be the choice of others either.

    If you come from a programming background (which I don't) then you might consider it easier to use a script because you're more comfortable with that.

    There are many ways to skin a cat and it is up to the individual which one they choose; my initial post reflects my personal experience/preference and what I've learned from courses, other SSIS forums and from people more experienced than myself.


    Lempster 🙂