• Like Ronald, I doubt I'll have much use for a "text" datatype, but we do have XML in our databases so this QOD was valuable to me in pointing out that non-comparable datatypes are ignored. This script is modified from the original QOD to show the danger of depending on checksum or binary_checksum to flag certain changes.

    Declare @FirstCksum int

    CREATE TABLE #myTable (column1 xml,column2 int);

    INSERT INTO #myTable VALUES ('',109);

    select * from #mytable

    SELECT @FirstCksum = BINARY_CHECKSUM(*) from #myTable;

    update #myTable set column1='values' where column2 = 109

    select * from #mytable

    SELECT Case when BINARY_CHECKSUM(*) = @FirstCksum

    then 'No Change'

    else 'Table Modified'

    end as TableChanged

    from #myTable;

    DROP TABLE #myTableYes, it returns "No Change" because only the int column is considered by the function.