• [font="Verdana"]Aha!

    I have to say I enjoyed this more than the first article, largely because the first article was really just an introduction to the topic.

    I like your use of examples where I can just see a developer writing that sort of code, usually because they don't know better.

    I also like the introduction of a method for converting cursor statements into set-based equivalents. I think as you continue to walk through each of the parts of that method, it will make it easier for people new to thinking and working with sets to apply to their own code. Kudos for that.

    For completeness, will you look at rewriting cursors into just using a loop (without the actual cursor, but otherwise identical)? Because that's another form of code that can also be replaced by set-based code.

    I'm happy to give examples if you need them.

    Well done!
