• I have seen your link. thank you

    I have seen taht the variable @@error is not affected by the "Set nocount on".

    But, what about the:

    @declare erro int

    set @erro =@@erro

    The variable that i declared (@erro) is not affected by the "Set nocount on"?

    Other question that i have is this:

    if @erro=0


    update bulk_contribuinteinst set valido_bulk=1,motivo_irregular_bulk =null

    where nif_antigo in

    (select rgc1 from CTBS_BULK_VALIDOS_REPETIDOS

    where motivo_irregular_bulk1 ='NIF REPETIDO' and rgc1 not in

    (select a.rgc1 as rgc from CTBS_BULK_VALIDOS_REPETIDOS as a inner join allctb as b

    on a.rgc1 isnull(b.rgc,-111) and a.nifctb1 =b.nifctb))

    set @erro=@@error


    the update is the first line of the instruction , then i have a select.

    I am putting the "Set @erro=@@error", on the end of the statement, to verify it it went ok (if succeded). Is this correct?, or should the "set @erro=@@error"

    be afetr the update and befour the select?