• Thanks for your help.

    Normally I should know this.

    My idea is to change the recovery model and to shrink the transaction protocol with a script.

    The change the current database.

    See as the following:

    DECLARE @strDatabaseName varchar(32)

    DECLARE @strTransactionProtocol varchar(32)

    DECLARE @strSQL varchar(256)

    SET @strDatabaseName = DB_NAME()

    SET @strSQL = 'Alter Database ' + @strDatabaseName + ' Set Recovery Simple'

    EXEC (@strSQL)

    SET @strTransactionProtocol = (SELECT name FROM sys.database_files WHERE type = 1) --LOG

    SET @strSQL = 'DBCC SHRINKFILE(' + @strTransactionProtocol + ', 1) WITH NO_INFOMSGS'

    EXEC (@strSQL)