• Charles Kincaid (4/23/2009)

    jay holovacs (4/23/2009)

    [BTW am I the only person who HATES laptop touch pads? They slow me down enormously, and are very fatiguing. I can't imagine doing any serious work with one of those)

    You are NOT alone. Every work with a laptop that had the Joy-mouse button in the center of the keyboard? A little red stud that stuck up between the keys. Push it toward the Q row and it moves the cursor up. Push it toward the Z row and it moves the cursor down. Left is toward A and right is toward L. It's slow but much more precise than the pad.

    You are definitely not alone. I don't see why they were even invented, but maybe that's just me. 😀

    Give me a good 'ol keyboard and mouse. That's all I need. I do recommend the Microsoft ergonomic keyboard which helps with the arm positioning problem and potential carpal tunnel.