• On the first item do you need the decimal data still there? For example if the field contains data like 123.45 do you need 123 or 12345? If you need 12345 how will they know its a two decimal position value or is that always assumed? A little more information about how you need to format it and rules around it might help someone give an exact answer. If you need just 123 you could use a function like FLOOR() or convert it to an int type data type. IF you need the full amount then you may need to convert to string and replace the "." with an empty string. You can also multiply it out into a whol number if its a given 2 decimal always.

    On the second item, you need to do the formating of the date in the SELECT portion of you statement and not the WHERE clause. The where clause only determines criteria of what result set is returned, and not the formatting of the returned data. Do a convert with a date style flag in the select portion of your statement on that field.