• What wrong with our auto industry?

    Imagine its fifty years in the future and your son or daughter is a school teacher talking to a class about this past decade or two in the auto industry...

    A student asks; "So you guys had the gas crisis of the 1970's, and then just 10 years after that debacle you were building huge SUVs, burning 2 to 3 times the average amount of gas?"

    "Yes..." your child answers.

    "And while the rest of the world was building economy cars and 'green' cars, Americas kept building and buying these beasts?" the child continues.

    "Yes..." your child answers.

    "And then gas went up again as every expert was warning it would, and Americans were still buying and driving these gas guzzlers?"

    "Yes..." your child answers.

    "They were not very bright back in your parents day, were they?"

    "Yes..." your child answers.

    Whats wrong with the auto industry? The same thing thats wrong with American car buyers who have about as much vision and focus on the future as Neville Chamberlain did when he arrived back in England touting "I believe it is peace in our time!" right before Mr. Hitler unleashed Hell on Earth.

    The "problem" is not just the auto industry - its all of us. In a democracy, EVERY individual is either responsible or frivolous. America has enjoyed over 30 years of frivolity, and now, we are paying for it. We're getting not only just what we deserve, but exactly what we built by our own moronic lack of thinking long term.

    There's no such thing as dumb questions, only poorly thought-out answers...