Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Avoiding injection on stored procedure RE: Avoiding injection on stored procedure

  • You really seem to be missing the point, and your posts didn't address the specific example I posted.

    I just ran this script creating the table, loading some rows into it, creating your stored proc, followed by a two executes of proc USPDeleteAnswers with my input parameters.

    print '--- Create table tblUserAnswer'

    create table tblUserAnswer (Id varchar(20), QuestionId int not null)


    print '--- Load 3 rows into the table tblUserAnswer'

    insert into tblUserAnswer select '1', 2 union all select '3',4 union all select '5',6



    @Id varchar(50),

    @QId varchar(100)


    DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(255)

    SET @SQL = 'DELETE FROM tblUserAnswer where Id = ''' + @Id + ''' and QuestionId in (' + @QId + ' )'

    PRINT @SQL ---- delete after testing

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL


    print '--- Delete all rows from tblUserAnswer'

    Execute USPDeleteAnswers @Id = 'abc', @QId = ' 1,3 ) or 1 = 1 -- '


    print '--- Get count of remaining rows in table tblUserAnswer'

    select count(*) from tblUserAnswer


    print '--- Delete all rows from tblUserAnswer and then drop table tblUserAnswer '

    Execute USPDeleteAnswers @Id = 'abc', @QId = ' 1,3 ) or 1 = 1; drop table tblUserAnswer -- '


    print '--- Verify table tblUserAnswer has been deleted'

    exec sp_help 'tblUserAnswer'


    drop PROCEDURE USPDeleteAnswers


    -- drop table if it still exists

    if object_id('tblUserAnswer','U') is not null drop table tblUserAnswer

    Notice the following results it produced:

    --- Create table tblUserAnswer

    --- Load 3 rows into the table tblUserAnswer

    (3 row(s) affected)

    --- Delete all rows from tblUserAnswer

    DELETE FROM tblUserAnswer where Id = 'abc' and QuestionId in ( 1,3 ) or 1 = 1 -- )

    (3 row(s) affected)

    --- Get count of remaining rows in table tblUserAnswer



    (1 row(s) affected)

    --- Delete all rows from tblUserAnswer and then drop table tblUserAnswer

    DELETE FROM tblUserAnswer where Id = 'abc' and QuestionId in ( 1,3 ) or 1 = 1; drop table tblUserAnswer -- )

    (0 row(s) affected)

    --- Verify table tblUserAnswer has been deleted

    Msg 15009, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_help, Line 66

    The object 'tblUserAnswer' does not exist in database 'tempdb' or is invalid for this operation.

    The DELETE statement produced by the first call was a valid statement that resulted in deleting all rows in table tblUserAnswer because the 1 = 1 condition is always true.

    The DELETE statement produced by the second call was actually able to drop the table.

    As you can see, this was a really routine SQL Injection 101 attack.