Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Is there a way to select all columns except one or two columns? RE: Is there a way to select all columns except one or two columns?

  • Santhosh (3/4/2009)

    Thanks Flo and Gail,

    but the requirement is

    1. to compare two tables

    2. in these two tables there are 50 columns

    3. 1 or 2 or 3(max) columns are of type NTEXT

    4. so excluding those 1 or 2 or 3 columns i need to compare all remaining columns.



    Then it is very easy without column variable


    DECLARE @Col1 varchar(100), @Col2 varchar(1000)

    SELECT @Columns = SubString (( SELECT ', ' + QUOTENAME(Column_name )

    from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns

    WHERE Table_name ='TimeDimension'

    AND Data_type != 'Ntext'

    FOR XML PATH ( '' ) ), 3, 1000)

    EXEC('SELECT '+ @Columns +' FROM TimeDimension')

    John Smith