• I got it right, but now I realize it was almost by accident.

    Irish Flyer (2/11/2009)

    Given the inconsistancies noted, I guess it brings home the point that one should be consistant in coding. Either use the -- convention to comment a line, or use /* */ pairs for comments, but don't mix them. Consistancy is just good coding practice anyway.

    Good point. I tend to use the comments differently: -- to explain what (I think) the code is doing, /* */ to take out copies of code while I'm messing with it in development or to separate queries I use for testing. Most of the code in /* */ will get taken out in production.

    As far as inline comments - I avoid them precisely for the reasons stated above. I do add them to large queries sometimes if I feel that parts of it need to be explained separately. Maybe I ought to exercise more caution in the future.