• Venkat (2/6/2009)


    I have two procedures

    a) Procedure A

    b) Procedure B

    By design, Procedure B calls Procedure A internally. However, Two procedures can be executed independently .

    I want to findout that if procedure A is called

    - Is it called from Procedure B or

    - is it called independently ie not from any other procedure

    Your reply will help me a lot



    If Procedure B creates a local temporary table (example #MyHead) prior to calling Procedure A, you can test for the exitance of the temporary table as Procedure A will be able to see and use the local temporary table internally. If called independent of Procedure B, this table would not exist.

    The only other way that I can think of would be a optional parameter to Procedure A that would be used when calling Procedure A from within Procedure B and left null when called independent of Procedure B.