• Lynn Pettis (1/27/2009)

    Smendle (1/27/2009)

    That can happen on multi-processor systems that SQL is allowed to use.

    I am sure this is in response to the following:

    I received a private message with a question regarding my article that I can't answer, so I thought I'd put it here with the hopes that some of the gurus (Jeff, Gail, Grant, Gus, et al) out there may be able to help out.

    Why is the CPU time greater than the elapsed time

    CPU time = 5063 ms, elapsed time = 3309 ms.

    Thinking about it, that actually makes sense and isn't something I'd have come up with on my own, thanks. Do any of the other gurus out there also agree?

    I concur. What happens if you add MAXDOP = 1 to that particular query?

    FWIW, in a previous life MAXDOP was used as execution plans differed wildly on (single CPU, pre-hyper thread) Test kit than when they ran on the multi-CPU Live kit!

    Nice article btw 😉

    Dave Jackson

    "I don't know what I don't know."