• I also agree with blandry. We are all replaceable, no matter how much we try to hide the secrets of our position to others.

    As far as training and upgrading skills goes, we shouldn't wait around for a financial crisis. As technology-lovers, we should be pursuing our interests year-round.

    One thing that I really liked about this editorial is the comment about not worrying about things that you don't have control over. If you can do this, you have made a major accomplishment in your life. The amount of stress that you will relieve yourself of is seriously substantial. My personal favourite example of this is getting stressed at other drivers on the road. You can't control what they do, so don't stress about it.

    'Other drivers' are the reason why I will never get a gun license. :hehe:


    I have come to the conclusion that the top man has one principle responsibility: to provide an atmosphere in which creative mavericks can do useful work.
    -- David M. Ogilvy