On Click "Calendar Control" Button, not showing Calendar Window In SSRS

  • Hi,

    I am using Calendar Control for couple of Date type Parameters.

    When viewing report at Report Manager, On Click "Calendar Control" button, doesn't shows up the Calendar window, rather it just refreshes the page. This happens inconsistently.

    Please let me know any suggestions.



  • Hii..Rachitha..

    Please check once the data type for the respective parameters...You must b knowing...that it should be of DateTime type...Otherwise will look for something else which may solve dis issue..



  • hi Niraj, Thnx for the response.

    The data types are DateTime.

  • Since this is a question happen inconsistently, I also wonder what goes wrong here. I am also new to a UI calendar control, this is quite interesting an issue to me. Don't know if you figure out what happened to this situation or not. I'd read some UI calendar control guide, but got no clues.

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