• Thanks for the Response.

    1. The number of rows stored in Temp table is many.

    2. I agree that required data is present in temp table but i need to compare each row in Temp Table with the other tables. So it is require to store those values first in dynamic varaible ( as i am not aware the number and type of variable) and then validate those values in other table and thereafter make some decision.

    3. Reason for creating Store Procedure : To upload different Excel data into the database. I am trying to create a generic stored procedure to upload Excel data into the database. So my Table keeps on changing as also column name. I hope , know you have clear picture reason behind my stored procedure.

    I am attaching and pasting piece of code which is in progress.......







    @XMLData varchar(8000) = '


    @XMLSchema NTEXT = '


    @XMLDynamicTable NTEXT='



    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here



    --Create temp table

    CREATE TABLE #TempXmlData

    (XmlDataID INT Identity(1,1) NOT NULL)

    -- XML Doc

    DECLARE @iDocData INT,@iDocSchema INT,@iDocTable INT

    -- Table for Comma Separated Values

    DECLARE @tblValues TABLE

    (ValueID INT IDENTITY(1,1),

    Value VARCHAR(100))

    -- Counters

    DECLARE @iCount INT,@iCounter INT

    DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500)

    -- XmlData fields

    Declare @Action varchar(15),

    @KeyColumn varchar(30),

    @sqlquery nvarchar(4000),

    @KeyColumnValue INT,

    --@KeyColumnValueOUT INT,

    @DataTableName varchar(50),

    @InsertCols varchar(1000),

    @UpdateCols varchar(1000),

    @ValidateCols varchar(1000)

    DEclare @CreateQuery varchar(4000)

    DEclare @CreateVariable varchar(4000)

    declare @mytable varchar(30)

    select @mytable = '#dtXmlData'

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @iDocData output, @XMLData

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @iDocSchema output, @XMLSchema

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @iDocTable output, @XMLDynamicTable

    select @CreateQuery = Query

    FROM OpenXML(@iDocTable,'/NewDataSet/dtDynamicTable',1)

    WITH (Query nvarchar(4000) 'Query')

    -- Alter temp table structure

    --print @CreateQuery

    execute (@CreateQuery)

    --print '@CreateVariable: ' + @CreateVariable

    --execute (@CreateVariable)

    --print '@CreateVariable: ' + @CreateVariable

    --execute ('set @iDocData12=1')

    -- Get Xml Data into temp table

    INSERT INTO #TempXmlData

    select *

    FROM OpenXML(@iDocData,'/NewDataSet/dtSLAParams',2)

    With #TempXmlData

    select * from #TempXmlData

    -- Get Schema data into temp table

    select * INTO #TempXMLSchema

    FROM OpenXML(@iDocSchema,'/NewDataSet/Table_Details',2)

    With (TableName varchar(50) 'TableName',

    InsertCol varchar(500) 'InsertCol',

    UpdateCol varchar(500) 'UpdateCol',

    ValidateCol varchar(500) 'ValidateCol',

    DeleteCol varchar(500) 'DeleteCol'


    select * from #TempXMLSchema

    -- Get Mapping and validation data into temp table

    select * INTO #TempColMapping

    FROM OpenXML(@iDocSchema,'/NewDataSet/Mapping_table',2)

    With (ColumnName varchar(50) 'ColumnName',

    MappingColumnName varchar(500) 'MappingColumnName',

    ValidateTableName varchar(500) 'ValidateTableName'


    select * from #TempColMapping

    -- Loop through Xml Data table

    select @iCount = count(XmlDataID) from #TempXmlData

    set @iCounter = 1

    While @iCount >= @iCounter

    Begin --While @iCount <= @iCounter

    --Check for action

    select @Action = [Action] from #TempXmlData where XmlDataID = @iCounter

    --get unique Column name for the identity column

    select @KeyColumn = [DeleteCol] from #TempXMLSchema

    select @DataTableName = [TableName] from #TempXMLSchema

    print @KeyColumn

    print @DataTableName

    -- get Value for the unique column name

    set @sqlquery = N'Select @KeyColumnValueOUT = ' + @KeyColumn + ' From #TempXmlData where XmlDataID = @iCounter'

    SET @ParmDefinition = N'@iCounter INT,@KeyColumnValueOUT INT OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlquery,@ParmDefinition,@iCounter=@iCounter,@KeyColumnValueOUT=@KeyColumnValue OUTPUT

    SELECT @KeyColumnValue

    -- Start Validation for

    SELECT @ValidateCols = ValidateCol from #TempXMLSchema

    IF @ValidateCols IS NOT NULL

    BEGIN --@ValidateCols IS NOT NULL

    Declare @iNoOfCols INT,

    @iValidateCounter INT,

    @ValidateCol VARCHAR(100), -- Validate Column Name

    @ValidateColValue VARCHAR(100), -- Validate Column Value

    @ValidateMappingCol VARCHAR(100), -- Validate Mapping Column Name

    @ValidateTableName VARCHAR(100)

    --DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tblValues, RESEED, 1)

    -- Insert Values into values table

    INSERT INTO @tblValues

    SELECT OrderId from QQSM_SPLitLIST (@ValidateCols)

    -- Get Count

    Select @iNoOfCols = Max(ISNULL(ValueID,0)) from @tblValues

    select @iValidateCounter = Min(ISNULL(ValueID,1)) from @tblValues

    --Loop through each validate columns

    While @iNoOfCols >= @iValidateCounter

    Begin --While @iCount >= @iCounter

    --Get the validate column name

    select @ValidateCol = Value from @tblValues where ValueID = @iValidateCounter

    -- Get the mapping Column name if exists

    Select @ValidateMappingCol = MappingColumnName,@ValidateTableName = ValidateTableName from #TempColMapping where ColumnName = @ValidateCol

    --If Mapping column doest exists, consider the validate col as mapping column

    select @ValidateMappingCol = ISNULL(@ValidateMappingCol,@ValidateCol)

    select @ValidateMappingCol,@ValidateTableName

    --Get the value to validate from XMLData

    set @sqlquery = N'Select @ValidateColValueOUT = ' + @ValidateCol + ' From #TempXmlData where XmlDataID = @iCounter'

    SET @ParmDefinition = N'@iCounter INT,@ValColumnValueOUT VARCHAR(100) OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlquery,@ParmDefinition,@iCounter=@iCounter,@ValidateColValueOUT=@ValidateColValue OUTPUT

    SELECT @ValidateColValue

    select dbo.QQSM_NSS_fn_ValidateData('Country','CountryID','tblLUP_Country','Canada')

    -- Incremente counter

    set @iValidateCounter = @iValidateCounter + 1

    end --While @iCount >= @iCounter

    delete from @tblValues

    END --@ValidateCols IS NOT NULL

    -- If Action is Add

    If @Action = 'Add'

    Begin --@Action = 'Add'

    select 'Add'

    End --@Action = 'Add'

    --Increment counter

    set @iCounter = @iCounter + 1

    end --While @iCount <= @iCounter

    --clean up activity

    --drop table TBL_XmlData

    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @iDocData

    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @iDocSchema

    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @iDocTable







