Create Variable Dynamically

  • There are any alternative to declare a variable dynamicall with the stored procedure.

    Detail Problem Description


    1. I am creating a table with in the stored procedure dynamically using Execute command and storing it in Temporary Table.

    2. Now I want those values in Temporary Table to be stored in some variables but I donot know how in advance the total number of varaible my dynamic table as my dynamic table will keep on vary.

    Sp it is not possible to declare during stored procedure creation. Need some way to create it dynamically.

    Please help. Thanks in advance.

  • Not really. Perhaps if you give more info about the proc or post some code, we will have other ideas.

  • Since you are doing this in dynamic SQL, you should also be capable of writing the dynamic SQL to create a variable for each column your are selecting from, and to populate them. Off the top of my head, I can see this leading to multiple dynamic SQL executions with you storing variables in a table to pass between steps. This seems overly complex, so let me ask a few questions:

    1.) First question is why do you feel you need to do this? What are you going to do with those variables once you have them? You already have the values available in the temp table. There is probably a simpler way to achieve your ultimate goal.

    2.) Does the temp table contain only one row?

    3.) Could you please post up a sample of both the query and some data?


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • Thanks for the Response.

    1. The number of rows stored in Temp table is many.

    2. I agree that required data is present in temp table but i need to compare each row in Temp Table with the other tables. So it is require to store those values first in dynamic varaible ( as i am not aware the number and type of variable) and then validate those values in other table and thereafter make some decision.

    3. Reason for creating Store Procedure : To upload different Excel data into the database. I am trying to create a generic stored procedure to upload Excel data into the database. So my Table keeps on changing as also column name. I hope , know you have clear picture reason behind my stored procedure.

    I am attaching and pasting piece of code which is in progress.......







    @XMLData varchar(8000) = '


    @XMLSchema NTEXT = '


    @XMLDynamicTable NTEXT='



    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here



    --Create temp table

    CREATE TABLE #TempXmlData

    (XmlDataID INT Identity(1,1) NOT NULL)

    -- XML Doc

    DECLARE @iDocData INT,@iDocSchema INT,@iDocTable INT

    -- Table for Comma Separated Values

    DECLARE @tblValues TABLE

    (ValueID INT IDENTITY(1,1),

    Value VARCHAR(100))

    -- Counters

    DECLARE @iCount INT,@iCounter INT

    DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500)

    -- XmlData fields

    Declare @Action varchar(15),

    @KeyColumn varchar(30),

    @sqlquery nvarchar(4000),

    @KeyColumnValue INT,

    --@KeyColumnValueOUT INT,

    @DataTableName varchar(50),

    @InsertCols varchar(1000),

    @UpdateCols varchar(1000),

    @ValidateCols varchar(1000)

    DEclare @CreateQuery varchar(4000)

    DEclare @CreateVariable varchar(4000)

    declare @mytable varchar(30)

    select @mytable = '#dtXmlData'

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @iDocData output, @XMLData

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @iDocSchema output, @XMLSchema

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @iDocTable output, @XMLDynamicTable

    select @CreateQuery = Query

    FROM OpenXML(@iDocTable,'/NewDataSet/dtDynamicTable',1)

    WITH (Query nvarchar(4000) 'Query')

    -- Alter temp table structure

    --print @CreateQuery

    execute (@CreateQuery)

    --print '@CreateVariable: ' + @CreateVariable

    --execute (@CreateVariable)

    --print '@CreateVariable: ' + @CreateVariable

    --execute ('set @iDocData12=1')

    -- Get Xml Data into temp table

    INSERT INTO #TempXmlData

    select *

    FROM OpenXML(@iDocData,'/NewDataSet/dtSLAParams',2)

    With #TempXmlData

    select * from #TempXmlData

    -- Get Schema data into temp table

    select * INTO #TempXMLSchema

    FROM OpenXML(@iDocSchema,'/NewDataSet/Table_Details',2)

    With (TableName varchar(50) 'TableName',

    InsertCol varchar(500) 'InsertCol',

    UpdateCol varchar(500) 'UpdateCol',

    ValidateCol varchar(500) 'ValidateCol',

    DeleteCol varchar(500) 'DeleteCol'


    select * from #TempXMLSchema

    -- Get Mapping and validation data into temp table

    select * INTO #TempColMapping

    FROM OpenXML(@iDocSchema,'/NewDataSet/Mapping_table',2)

    With (ColumnName varchar(50) 'ColumnName',

    MappingColumnName varchar(500) 'MappingColumnName',

    ValidateTableName varchar(500) 'ValidateTableName'


    select * from #TempColMapping

    -- Loop through Xml Data table

    select @iCount = count(XmlDataID) from #TempXmlData

    set @iCounter = 1

    While @iCount >= @iCounter

    Begin --While @iCount <= @iCounter

    --Check for action

    select @Action = [Action] from #TempXmlData where XmlDataID = @iCounter

    --get unique Column name for the identity column

    select @KeyColumn = [DeleteCol] from #TempXMLSchema

    select @DataTableName = [TableName] from #TempXMLSchema

    print @KeyColumn

    print @DataTableName

    -- get Value for the unique column name

    set @sqlquery = N'Select @KeyColumnValueOUT = ' + @KeyColumn + ' From #TempXmlData where XmlDataID = @iCounter'

    SET @ParmDefinition = N'@iCounter INT,@KeyColumnValueOUT INT OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlquery,@ParmDefinition,@iCounter=@iCounter,@KeyColumnValueOUT=@KeyColumnValue OUTPUT

    SELECT @KeyColumnValue

    -- Start Validation for

    SELECT @ValidateCols = ValidateCol from #TempXMLSchema

    IF @ValidateCols IS NOT NULL

    BEGIN --@ValidateCols IS NOT NULL

    Declare @iNoOfCols INT,

    @iValidateCounter INT,

    @ValidateCol VARCHAR(100), -- Validate Column Name

    @ValidateColValue VARCHAR(100), -- Validate Column Value

    @ValidateMappingCol VARCHAR(100), -- Validate Mapping Column Name

    @ValidateTableName VARCHAR(100)

    --DBCC CHECKIDENT (@tblValues, RESEED, 1)

    -- Insert Values into values table

    INSERT INTO @tblValues

    SELECT OrderId from QQSM_SPLitLIST (@ValidateCols)

    -- Get Count

    Select @iNoOfCols = Max(ISNULL(ValueID,0)) from @tblValues

    select @iValidateCounter = Min(ISNULL(ValueID,1)) from @tblValues

    --Loop through each validate columns

    While @iNoOfCols >= @iValidateCounter

    Begin --While @iCount >= @iCounter

    --Get the validate column name

    select @ValidateCol = Value from @tblValues where ValueID = @iValidateCounter

    -- Get the mapping Column name if exists

    Select @ValidateMappingCol = MappingColumnName,@ValidateTableName = ValidateTableName from #TempColMapping where ColumnName = @ValidateCol

    --If Mapping column doest exists, consider the validate col as mapping column

    select @ValidateMappingCol = ISNULL(@ValidateMappingCol,@ValidateCol)

    select @ValidateMappingCol,@ValidateTableName

    --Get the value to validate from XMLData

    set @sqlquery = N'Select @ValidateColValueOUT = ' + @ValidateCol + ' From #TempXmlData where XmlDataID = @iCounter'

    SET @ParmDefinition = N'@iCounter INT,@ValColumnValueOUT VARCHAR(100) OUTPUT'

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sqlquery,@ParmDefinition,@iCounter=@iCounter,@ValidateColValueOUT=@ValidateColValue OUTPUT

    SELECT @ValidateColValue

    select dbo.QQSM_NSS_fn_ValidateData('Country','CountryID','tblLUP_Country','Canada')

    -- Incremente counter

    set @iValidateCounter = @iValidateCounter + 1

    end --While @iCount >= @iCounter

    delete from @tblValues

    END --@ValidateCols IS NOT NULL

    -- If Action is Add

    If @Action = 'Add'

    Begin --@Action = 'Add'

    select 'Add'

    End --@Action = 'Add'

    --Increment counter

    set @iCounter = @iCounter + 1

    end --While @iCount <= @iCounter

    --clean up activity

    --drop table TBL_XmlData

    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @iDocData

    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @iDocSchema

    EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @iDocTable









  • I may have to apologize at this point. For the last 20-30 minutes, I've been browsing through your extremely procedural code. I can only say that I would try to redesign it entirely to do validation based on columns, not variables, flag the appropriate action in yet another column, then execute the appropriate action. Unfortunately, I can't spare the time to fully understand and rewrite it.

    To keep you in the procedural code that you are apparently most comfortable with, my answer at this point has to be that I know of no way to dynamically create variables. What you CAN do is dynamically write the code to create user-defined functions and stored procedures, then execute them.

    This is going to run VERY slowly in production and creates all sorts of issues if you plan to do this as an application that multiple users can run. I don't advocate this, but it's the only suggestion I can think of to get you around the roadblock in the path you are on.


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills

  • I also don't have the time to plow through everything you've posted. That being said - if you're POSITIVE this is the very best way to do this, you may consider dynamically creating the stored procedure itself rather than just a dynamic insert. The code might actually turn out to be simpler to code that way.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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