• Having no experience made this call a bit of a guess. The page in the BOL for Limitations on Snapshots states that http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189940.aspx

    If a source database becomes RECOVERY_PENDING, its database snapshots may become inaccessible.

    After the issue on the source database is resolved, however, its snapshots should become available again. This question is about the database becoming suspect and not the snapshot. Is that correct?

    Before answering, an analogy to an ADO disconnected recordset logic kicked in. My answer was wrong because the disconnected recordset still has access to the data.

    How does the snapshot know that the database is offline - is the snapshot communicating with the database?

    Is the... "may become inaccessible" in the documentation referring to the

    The source database must be online, unless the database is a mirror database within a database mirroring session


    Reading through the better analogy might be a system restore on XP.

    May I ask for an analogy here that might put me in the right direction?
