• As you can see in the image below, while the actual allocation/deallocation of the cursor doesn't have much of an impact, the inefficient way the query is executed is what causes this to be slow. Imagine scaling the cursor to tables with millions of rows.

    The thought of scaling either RBAR to millions of rows fills my heart with sorrow.

    But, making me even more sad is the fact that yes, we've replaced a cursor, but actually with a method that's even more inefficient. Say you did have 1,000,000 rows, for the cursor you would have the read of the data and cursor through it. For the other way, you would have the creation of the table (be it temporary or variable), the insert into it, and 2,000,000 selects and 1,000,000 deletes.

    Try the following three queries - one of which is a cursor, one of which uses this method with a temp table, and one of which uses this method with a table variable. The query works on 100,000 rows and executes reasonably meaningless code so that we're testing the performance of the iteration method, rather than the performance of what is being executed.

    Note also that in the temp table / table variable methods I have added a clustering PK to increase the performance of these methods - i got bored of waiting for the queries to finish without!

    On my server, the cursor takes 12.562 seconds to execute, the temp table method takes 33.093 seconds to execute, and the table variable method takes 32.218 seconds to exeucte.

    Cursor method:


    declare @query varchar(100), @id int

    declare BadCursor Cursor for

    select top 100000 ID from [tblLogTransactions]

    open BadCursor

    fetch next from BadCursor into @id

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    select @query = 'declare @i int; set @i = ' + convert(varchar,@id)


    fetch next from BadCursor into @id


    close BadCursor

    deallocate BadCursor


    Temp Table method:


    declare @query varchar(100), @id int

    CREATE TABLE #muchWorseProblem (ID int primary key clustered)

    INSERT INTO #muchWorseProblem (ID)

    select top 100000 ID from [tblLogTransactions]

    while (select count(*) from #muchWorseProblem) > 0


    select top 1 @id = ID from #muchWorseProblem

    select @query = 'declare @i int; set @i = ' + convert(varchar,@id)


    delete from #muchWorseProblem where id = @id


    Table Variable method:


    declare @query varchar(100), @id int

    DECLARE @muchWorseProblem TABLE (ID int primary key clustered)

    INSERT INTO @muchWorseProblem (ID)

    select top 100000 ID from [tblLogTransactions]

    while (select count(*) from @muchWorseProblem) > 0


    select top 1 @id = ID from @muchWorseProblem

    select @query = 'declare @i int; set @i = ' + convert(varchar,@id)


    delete from @muchWorseProblem where id = @id



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