• I'm glad one of our biztalk devs is very cooperative today 😉

    Scenarion 1 : add begin tran ... commit tran

    Just encapsulating the trigger with its own Begin tran ... commit tran, off course didn't do the trick.

    Because: that tran is just an augmentation of the @@trancount which - because of the "set implicit transactions on" >0 at that time.

    When I added a while loop :crazy:

    while @@trancount > 0


    commit tran


    resulted in a failure of the biztalk apps.

    Scenario 2: set transaction isolation level read committed

    IMO this one would be plausible, but once again, it resulted in messages like

    Process ID 61 attempted to unlock a resource it does not own: DATABASE: 7 Retry the transaction, because this error may be caused by a timing condition. If the problem persists, contact the database administrator.

    and sqlserver got itself messed up once again.


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