Delete Backup Files

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to delete files from within a .bak file.

    I am using SQL 2005 Standard Edition SP2.

    If I right click on a database and select Tasks --> Restore --> Files and Filegroups, I can see many files and filesgroups here. I want to delete the older files and filegroups from this list as I don't need them any longer. Can anyone help me with this?


  • Go into File-Explorer and then delete them, but be absolutely sure you don't need them first.

    Or Setup a maintanence plan to automaticaly delete the older backups based on file age.

  • There are not files within a .Bak file. There might be multiple backups stored within one file, but you cannot delete some of them now. You should back up to a new file every day, not reuse the same file or store multiple backups inside one file.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (12/8/2008)

    There are not files within a .Bak file. There might be multiple backups stored within one file, but you cannot delete some of them now. You should back up to a new file every day, not reuse the same file or store multiple backups inside one file.

    This is exactly my scenario - thanks, I'll reset backups so that jobs go to a new file. Looks like I have no option other than to delete the old .bak files as they are growing and growing.

    Many thanks, Steve.

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