• This worked out perfectly. Thanks a lot 🙂

    I figured out one more way to accomplish this.

    This is for notifying the SQL Server restart (not Agent) and can be implemented like this -

    1. Set the “scan for startup procs” value to ‘true’

    This can be done in the following way –

    a. Right click on the server instance in management studio’s object explorer.

    b. Go to Properties --> Advanced

    c. Change value of ‘Scan for Startup Procs’ to ‘True’ and click Ok.

    2. Stop and restart SQL Server for the change to take effect.

    3. Create a procedure in the master database which sends the required mail. (This procedure should be in the master database only). Let the procedure name be P

    4. Set procedure P for autoexecution (to be run when the server’s startup) using the procedure sp_procoption.

    This will bind procedure P to startup, and P will be executed every time the server starts up.

