• Thanks for Spatial documents and code. They all show points in text, but I want to take data from one table in sql 2005, which holds X & Y values and create Points in SQL 2008.

    For normal data I would write something like :

    Insert into NewTable (NewX, NewY) Select X, Y from OldTable

    As SQL 2008 uses geometry::STPointFromText('POINT(20 25)', 0), what do I use for a recursive call, I cannot put geometry::STPointFromText('POINT(X Y)', 0).

    The only method I have found so far is to extract the data to a text file, include all the SQL commands, then use the file as an SQL file to run. I thought of CTE, but surely I am missing something, it has to be easier.

    Except for some grey cells, what am I missing, can you give some examples for a simple transfer?

