• Hi Oleg

    Thanks for the response. I did not take offline dbs into account. I have added that now and you can test it on your databases as soon as the change is approved. Code that I have added is

    " AND status&512 <> 512 ".

    An offline database has a bitfield with value 512. You can tweak this value to whatever your db situation is. These are the db states:

    1 = autoclose; set with sp_dboption.

    4 = select into/bulkcopy; set with sp_dboption.

    8 = trunc. log on chkpt; set with sp_dboption.

    16 = torn page detection, set with sp_dboption.

    32 = loading.

    64 = pre recovery.

    128 = recovering.

    256 = not recovered.

    512 = offline; set with sp_dboption.

    1024 = read only; set with sp_dboption.

    2048 = dbo use only; set with sp_dboption.

    4096 = single user; set with sp_dboption.

    32768 = emergency mode.

    4194304 = autoshrink.

    1073741824 = cleanly shutdown
