• philcart (11/16/2008)

    You really only need to check @@FETCH_STATUS = 0, that indicates that a row was successfully fetched.

    I would say this actually depends on the type of cursor you open. There are 3 possible statuses in a fetch for a reason. So if you only check for 0 with certain cursor types you will possibly miss rows after a -2 status is returned by quitting before trying fetches on rows that are after the row which returned the -2 status. I believe static cursors would probably be fine to check only 0. But dynamic cursors will require you to check the possibility of a -2 @@FETCH_STATUS.

    Note that Etienne_Lemire states there was -2 status.:

    Etienne_Lemire (11/14/2008)

    I did some debug of the script with the cursor, sometime it ends before the end when the "fetch next" returns some blanks instead of the DB name, with the fetch_status = -2