• "Enterprise Manager" and "OSQL" in 2008, when SQL2005 brought in SSMS and SQLCMD ??

    on a more worrying note the author makes no allowance for errors

    - network, deadlocking, resource, shutdowns etc happen in real-world, so prepare for it !

    and having a series of OSQL or SQMCND lines is dangerous (failure of step 2 will fall into steps 3..n)

    for example on SQLCMD you should use "-b -m 10" arguments (see BOL for details)

    - if any error happened during the execution, would return a non-zero code to CMD/COMMAND

    thus after each command-line run you should have a line


    where :BOMB label does some recovery/cleanup/advice as appropriate

    hence the benefits of structured exception handling (TRY..CATCH) and similar powerful constructs in PowerShell with cleaner code than the screeds of ugly IF .. GOTO statements

    MORAL: errors happen, so don't be a victim of bad planning. keep your shop running and you job

