• Hi Jeff, thanks for the thorough explanation.

    I usually use execution plans to check for table scans, if I find a table scan relating to a table, the table normally does not have an index, after adding index to table, I use execution plan again, this time no table scan, query performance is much improved. I use execution plan for single stored procedure.

    CREATE TABLE Phone (

    Phone_ID int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),

    Contract_No int NOT NULL,

    Make varchar(20) NULL,

    Model_No int NULL,

    Year smalldatetime NULL,

    Warranty varchar(20) NULL,

    User_ID varchar(20) NULL,

    City varchar(20) NULL,

    Status varchar(10) NULL


    SELECT * FROM Phone

    WHERE Contract_No = @Contract_No

    AND Status = 'Active'


    when creating an index on phone table, which columns should be used by clustered index,

    and which columns should be used by non-clustered index.


    Can you run all the application stored procedures against execution plan in one go, or must I test every stored procedure against execution plan separately.