• You'll need a calendar table with month start and end dates

    if object_id('tempdb..#Calendar') is not null

    drop table #Calendar

    Create table #Calendar(dtStart DateTime,dtEnd as dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(month,1,dtStart)))

    insert into #Calendar(dtStart)

    select '20080301' union all

    select '20080401' union all

    select '20080501' union all

    select '20080601' union all

    select '20080701' union all

    select '20080801' union all

    select '20080901' union all

    select '20081001'

    SELECT CASE WHEN p.StartDate>c.dtStart THEN p.StartDate ELSE c.dtStart END AS 'begin',

    CASE WHEN p.EndDate<c.dtEnd THEN p.EndDate ELSE c.dtEnd END AS 'end',


    FROM #DatePeriod p

    INNER JOIN #Calendar c ON c.dtStart BETWEEN p.StartDate AND p.EndDate OR c.dtEnd BETWEEN p.StartDate AND p.EndDate

    ORDER BY p.StartDate


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