• OK. This will be attempt #1 at a set based solution. I'm not 100% sure at the speed of this, as the index does not fully cover the subquery in the second part. I'll need you to check that out and get back with us on it if possible, as it's an issue we're currently looking into. If it still runs fairly slow(in this case, > 5 minutes), I'm pretty sure we can speed it up.

    The logic of this is simple. I scan through your table and break things into groups by finding changes of Code.

    I then go back through, and analyze that group for any duplicates.

    I take those duplicates and the first member of each group and make it the output.

    If I'm wrong on any part of that logic, please correct me. (I may not answer right away, as I'll probably be out tonight, but someone else here can probably take this one from here, or I'll answer when I get back). This solution is based in part on the running total technique described here:

    http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Advanced+Querying/61716/ (Yeah, I know, I kinda get fixated on certain methods and use them everywhere for a while, sorry Jeff 😉 )

    As part of this solution, I've added two fields to your table, GroupID and Dupe, both INT's.

    [font="Courier New"]------ Declare Variables ----------------------------------

    DECLARE @GroupID    INT,

    @PrevCode      CHAR(5),

    @RowID                  INT

    SET @RowID = 0

    SET @PrevCode = (SELECT Code FROM #TempTable WHERE RowID = 1)

    SET @GroupID = 1


    -- Breaks your data out into groups so it can be scanned --

    UPDATE #TempTable

    SET @GROUPID = CASE WHEN Code <> @PrevCode THEN @GroupID + 1 ELSE @GroupID END,

       GroupID = @GroupID,

       @PrevCode = Code

    FROM #TempTable WITH (INDEX(0))


    ------------- Goes through your data and flags Dupes ------


    SET Dupe = CASE WHEN (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #TempTable T2

                           WHERE   T2.GroupID = T1.GroupID AND

                                   T2.Locale = T1.Locale AND

                                   T2.RowKey = T1.RowKey AND

                                   T2.RowID < T1.RowID) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,

       @RowID = RowID                    

    FROM #Temptable T1 WITH INDEX(0)


    ---------- Selects The first member of each group (which is what I took as process 1) and

    ---------- any rows marked as duplicates and displays them

    SELECT T1.RowID, T1.RowKey, T1.Locale, T1.Code

    FROM #TempTable T1

           LEFT JOIN #TempTable T2 ON T1.RowID = T2.RowID AND T2.Dupe = 1

           LEFT JOIN (SELECT GroupID, MIN(RowID) FirstGroupRow FROM #TempTable WHERE GROUPID > 1 GROUP BY GroupID) T3 ON T1.RowID = T3.FirstGroupRow

    WHERE T2.Locale IS NOT NULL OR T3.FirstGroupRow IS NOT NULL


    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]