• Matt Miller (10/15/2008)

    You might worry about it if the columns making up the key change a lot. in a similar way to why you worry about fill factor for clustered indexes, data movement in those columns would cause the index to fragment if there isn't enough room to accomodate the change.

    Of course - it's not as "bad" as a page split in the clustered index, but still - might be worth considering some amount of slack.

    Specify it exactly like you would on a clustered index.

    create index ix_jr09 on job20080930(rowID) include (msg) WITH FILLFACTOR=80

    Thanks for responding.

    In this case we are not doing any updates, just a straight TRUNCATE of the table and INSERT of new data. Also, the clustered index is set on the identity column, so there should be no random inserts.

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