• innomatics (10/7/2008)

    Thanks for this, an informative and useful article no doubt.

    The title however is misleading - " A Google-like Full Text Search". Google-like IMO implies some sort of PageRank IR algorithm. But this article is really just about boolean search.

    Glad you found it useful, and I'm sorry that the title implies design and creation of custom web crawlers and custom page ranking techniques.

    The article is primarily aimed at intranets, although the concept of a UI that implements Google-like syntax could easily be applied elsewhere. Unfortunately in most intranet settings the network is not a "democracy" where user pages can be counted as "votes" toward a specific piece of content stored in a database. Those that are, however, can take advantage of custom web crawlers to rank their database content, no doubt. Unfortunately these types of custom applications are beyond the scope of this particular article.

    Not sure what you mean by "boolean search"? This article is about creating an application layer that converts Google-style query syntax to SQL Server Full-Text Search predicates which can be executed against an FTS-enabled database.

    I probably should have gone with my original, more explicit title, "A Tool For Converting Google-Style Search Query Syntax To SQL Server Full-Text Search Predicate Syntax". A little longer to be sure, but definitely eliminates any expectation that custom page ranking algorithms are discussed within.


    Mike C