• Remember what the definition of DECIMAL includes:

    Precision is the number of digits in a number.

    Scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number.

    For example:

    DECLARE @Value DECIMAL(10,6)

    DECLARE @Value2 DECIMAL(10,2)

    DECLARE @Value5 DECIMAL(10,5)

    SET @Value = 1.125456

    SET @Value2 = @Value

    SET @Value5 = @Value

    SELECT @Value AS 'Scale of 6', @Value2 AS 'Scale of 2', @Value5 AS 'Scale of 5'

    Results in:

    Scale of 6Scale of 2Scale of 5

    1.125456 1.13 1.12546

    Check the definition of the column in your table to insure it has the correct scale value.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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