• Eric Inman (9/17/2008)

    Great info.

    I see a lot of these in all my environments:

    CREATE INDEX [missing_index_537_536_MSdistribution_history] ON [distribution].[dbo].[MSdistribution_history] ([agent_id],[time]) INCLUDE ([runstatus], [start_time], [timestamp])

    Looks like replication needs some help, but fear would not let me add this!!! Anyone else seeing their distribution DB showing up also?

    Looks like MS is keeping to the 80 / 20 rule. They get a product 80% there and leave 20% for us third party folk. 🙂 Case in point: IE7 Pro[/url]. SQL Server Central has a great spell checker but some of the other forums don't

    Seriously, I would only mess with replication in a test environment that you would have no trouble recreating if you jack it up. Not too surprised that they might have missed an index. This could also be a case where "Your mileage has varried".

    ATBCharles Kincaid