Calculation using a Calculated Measure

  • I have a calculated measure that is based on two other measures. It is pretty close to this:

    [font="Courier New"]CASE

    WHEN [Measures].[SkipUnits] > [Measures].[Units] THEN null

    ELSE [Measures].[Units] - [Measures].[SkipUnits]


    Obviously, I need to reduce my units by my skipped units but the units calculation cannot be less than zero.

    This is all dandy until this measure is used by a calculation showing the variance between this year and last year (or any other variance). In these cases, I want the calculated measure to calculate first and then the variance calculated because it is ok to have a negative variance.

    Anyone have a way of doing this that does not involve specifying the calculation for this measure manually for each of the variance calculations? Unfortunately, I have a lot of them.

  • You should be able to specify the solve order. I think it was the higher the number the later in the calc pass it would resolve (ie set the calc based on calc to be a number > first calc). It's a little dated now but here's a blog entry on creating calc members, you could also check out the info on msdn re: calc scripts.


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