• I've had a blackberry now for a couple months, a moto q for a couple years before that. Note that my company is a consultancy, so the rules are a tad different, but this may be helpful to some.

    I have had a standing policy with myself that a phone call after 8PM goes to voicemail. If it's an emergency, they can leave a message and I'll get back to them. I make sure my clients know that. Not sure how the other devs in the company handle it.

    I turn off the email notification after around 6 PM or so - same thing on weekends. That allows me to govern when I check my email.

    I work from home, so I do the same thing with my work email - separate email clients; outlook is off when I'm off work.

    Since I made these changes with my email, my stress level has gone way down, and I actually have a healthy relationship with my wife. I'm not about to let a workaholic client (we all know who they are - whether the "client" is a manager or a real client) ruin my marriage and my health just because *they* can't go home at a decent time.