• Has martial arts changed as much as it sounds? I thought one of the core tenets of any martial art is using the mind to control the body – at least, this was the case way too many years ago when I was taking Judo classes and our instructor, along with our physical activities, had us study various books and writings about “balance” in one’s life and pursuits – that the mind must be in proper balance or no amount of physical skill and prowess was going to fix anything, let alone ease any stress.

    To that end, though I would endorse physical activity, I do not in any way endorse going out at the end of the day and beating the tar out of anything to “relieve stress” – that’s a pipe dream because stress is controlled via the mind NOT the body. Indeed, physical stress, being tired, cramps, or any physical manifestation is in fact, fed by the mind. Control the mind and you control the rest.

    Let me offer you an alternative question you might ask yourself: How important is your work? And I mean really think about that. If your job or company fell of the face of the Earth tomorrow, would it be the end of the world for all of us? Are you curing cancer? Are you feeding the world’s hungry people? Are you developing the solution to Global warming? Are you bringing peace to the globe?

    …or, are you kidding yourself about your importance to stroke your own ego? Are you fighting with co-workers over how that last SQL query was written because you are ‘certain’ your idea is ‘the right one’ and everyone else is wrong? If so, have you asked that important question; “So what?”

    In the early days of my career I took every job I worked way too seriously. Here, nearing the end of my career, I can look back and realize I have worked for three companies that went ‘belly-up’, two that went through large mergers with lots of job cuts (my own included), and two more that were ‘start-ups’ that didn’t survive. What have I learned? Simple – and here it comes – sage wisdom – ready? – It’s just software and data. It’s not the solution to man’s age-old problems, its’ not going to alter the course of the planets and even people who may be working in what seem truly vital industries – remember – someone else is working there too. Lighten up, do your best work because it makes YOU better – not because you perceive some grand over-importance for mankind in the next SQL query you will write.

    If you feel you have to break a cinderblock at the end of each day to “relieve stress” – okay, so be it – but trust me; If you don’t have your mental and spiritual house in order, no amount of physical activity is going to budge you forward in dealing with stress. Stress comes from the mind where we think improperly, often over-inflating ourselves, our work, and our place in this world. In the software business this is pure suicide – you are just building ulcers and nice path to a stroke.

    And trust me, sure your job is important – after all you’re making money I hope, and thus able to feed yourself – but it’s your family, your children, your friends, and the simple good deeds you do in this world that really matter. Who knows, maybe on your way into work this morning you did some very small kindness to someone that lifted their spirits in a dark time for them. They don’t know your name, but they remember that kindness and how it lifted them. Compare that to any argument over how to structure the best SQL query and tell me which benefitted mankind – even in a small way.

    Lighten up – control your mind and spirit – then go karate chop those 2 by 4’s. Because if you don’t have the computer between your ears in order, no amount of any martial art is going to do anything for you in the long run.

    There's no such thing as dumb questions, only poorly thought-out answers...