• I've added a NullIf function to prevent the divide by zero error:-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    -- Purpose: Identify queries that are running slower than normal,
    -- when taking into account IO volumes.
    ALTER PROC [dbo].[dba_QueryTimeDelta]
    -- Do not lock anything, and do not get held up by any locks.

    -- Identify queries running slower than normal.
    SELECT TOP(100)
    [Runs] = qs.execution_count,
    -- [Total time] = qs.total_worker_time - qs.last_worker_time,
    [Avg time] = (qs.total_worker_time - qs.last_worker_time) / (qs.execution_count - 1),
    [Last time] = qs.last_worker_time,
    [Time Deviation] = (qs.last_worker_time - ((qs.total_worker_time - qs.last_worker_time) / (qs.execution_count - 1))),
    [% Time Deviation] = CASE WHEN qs.last_worker_time = 0 THEN 100
    ELSE (qs.last_worker_time - ((qs.total_worker_time - qs.last_worker_time) / (qs.execution_count - 1))) * 100
    END / NullIf((((qs.total_worker_time - qs.last_worker_time) / (qs.execution_count - 1))), 0),
    [Last IO] = last_logical_reads + last_logical_writes + last_physical_reads,
    [Avg IO] = ((total_logical_reads + total_logical_writes + total_physical_reads) - (last_logical_reads + last_logical_writes + last_physical_reads)) / (qs.execution_count - 1),
    [Individual Query] = Substring (qt.text,qs.statement_start_offset / 2,
    (CASE WHEN qs.statement_end_offset = -1
    THEN Len(Convert(nvarchar(Max), qt.text)) * 2
    ELSE qs.statement_end_offset
    END - qs.statement_start_offset)/2),
    [Parent Query] = qt.text,
    [DatabaseName] = DB_NAME(qt.dbid)
    INTO #SlowQueries
    FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs
    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(qs.plan_handle) qt
    WHERE qs.execution_count > 1
    ORDER BY [% Time Deviation] DESC

    -- Calculate the [IO Deviation] and [% IO Deviation].
    -- Negative values means we did less I/O than average.
    SELECT TOP 100 [Runs],
    [Avg time],
    [Last time],
    [Time Deviation],
    [% Time Deviation],
    [Last IO],
    [Avg IO],
    [IO Deviation] = [Last IO] - [Avg IO],
    [% IO Deviation] = CASE WHEN [Avg IO] = 0 THEN 0
    ELSE ([Last IO]- [Avg IO]) * 100 / [Avg IO]
    [Individual Query],
    [Parent Query],
    INTO #SlowQueriesByIO
    FROM #SlowQueries
    ORDER BY [% Time Deviation] DESC

    -- Extract items where [% Time deviation] less [% IO deviation] is 'large'
    -- These queries are slow running, even when we take into account IO deviation.
    SELECT TOP(100)
    [Avg time],
    [Last time],
    [Time Deviation],
    [% Time Deviation],
    [Last IO],
    [Avg IO],
    [IO Deviation],
    [% IO Deviation],
    [Impedance] = [% Time Deviation] - [% IO Deviation],
    [Individual Query],
    [Parent Query],
    FROM #SlowQueriesByIO
    WHERE [% Time Deviation] - [% IO Deviation] > 20
    ORDER BY [Impedance] DESC

    -- Tidy up.
    DROP TABLE #SlowQueries
    DROP TABLE #SlowQueriesByIO
