• Hi,

    You could consider putting the data from the subquery to temp table

    Create table #temp


    gl_group_id Int


    insert into #temp

    select distinct gl_group_id

    from ipadmin.gl_txn

    where transacted_on >= convert(datetime, '03/07/2008', 103)

    and transacted_on < convert(datetime, '03/07/2008', 103) + 1

    and belongs_to_hcare in (100)

    --You don't need the GROUP BY, as it makes no sense in this context

    --If #temp has few hundred, thousands rows try creating index on gl_group_id column.

    update ipa

    set defunct = 'Y'

    from ipadmin.GL_TXN ipa

    inner join #temp t

    ON ipa.gl_group_id = t.gl_group_id

    Also one of the optimization options would be to create clustered index on ipadmin.gl_txn(transacted_on) column, this would speed up the datetime range query.

    Cheers, Max

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