• The T-SQL code is as follows, Still work in progress so bit messy.

    Declare @StartDate13 datetime, @EndDate datetime

    select @StartDate13 = dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,DateAdd (mm,-13,getdate())),0)

    select @EndDate = DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0)-1

    print @EndDate

    print @StartDate13

    Declare @period1 varchar(6)

    Select @period1 = year(dateadd(month,-13,getdate())) *100 + month(dateadd(month,-13,getdate()))

    Declare @counter int

    Declare @SOKEY int

    DEclare @ITEMID varchar(30)

    Declare @SOLINEKEY int

    Declare @DESC varchar(40)

    Declare @SOSUM Table



    [SOLINEKEY] int,

    [ITEM] varchar(30),

    [DESC] varchar(40),

    [QTYORD] Decimal(16,8),

    [QTYSHIPPED] Decimal (16,8),

    [PERIOD] varchar(6)


    Declare @SOSUMPeriod Table



    [SOLINEKEY] int,

    [ITEM] varchar(30),

    [DESC] varchar(40),

    [QTYORD] Decimal(16,8),

    [QTYSHIPPED] Decimal (16,8),

    [BALANCE] Decimal (16,8),

    [PERIOD] varchar(6)


    Declare @SOBalPeriod Table



    [SOLINEKEY] int,

    [ITEM] varchar(30),

    [DESC] varchar(40),

    [QTYORD] Decimal(16,8),

    [QTYSHIPPED] Decimal (16,8),

    [BALANCE] Decimal (16,8),

    [PERIOD] varchar(6)


    /* Add the Sales Orders Created within date range

    (This is seperate to ensure we have open order balance and that we

    do not miss orders that have no shipments*/

    Insert into @SOSUM

    Select SO.SoKey, SL.SoLineKey, IM.ItemID, SL.Description, SD.QtyOrd, 0, year(SO.createdate)*100 + month(SO.createdate) from dbo.tsoSalesOrder as SO

    left outer join dbo.tsoSOLine as SL on SL.Sokey = SO.Sokey

    left outer join dbo.tsoSOLineDist as SD on SL.SOLineKey = SD.SoLineKey

    left outer join dbo.timItem as IM on IM.ItemKey = SL.ItemKey

    where SO.CompanyId = 'USA' and So.CreateDate >= @StartDate13 and So.CreateDate <= @EndDate

    and SL.SOLinekey is not null

    /* Add the Sales Order Shipments Created within Date Range */

    Insert into @SOSUM

    Select SO.SoKey, SL.SoLineKey, IM.ItemID, SL.Description, 0, SLD.QtyShipped, year(SHL.Shipdate)*100 + month(SHL.Shipdate) from dbo.tsoSalesOrder as SO

    left outer join dbo.tsoSOLine as SL on SL.Sokey = SO.Sokey

    left outer join dbo.tsoSOLineDist as SD on SL.SOLineKey = SD.SoLineKey

    left outer join dbo.tsoShipLineDist as SLD on SD.SOLineDistKey = SLD.SOLineDistKey

    left outer join dbo.tsoShipLine as SHL on SLD.ShipLineKey = SHL.ShipLineKey

    left outer join dbo.timItem as IM on IM.ItemKey = SL.ItemKey

    where SO.CompanyId = 'USA' and So.CreateDate >= @StartDate13 and So.CreateDate <= @EndDate

    and SLD.QTYShipped is not null

    --select ss.*,SO.Tranid from @SOSUM as SS

    --left outer join dbo.tsoSalesOrder as SO on SS.Sokey = So.SOKEY

    --order by SS.sokey

    /* Reduce down to one transaction per period/Sales Line */

    Insert into @SOSUMPeriod

    Select SOKey, SOLINEKEY,ITEM,[DESC],sum(QtyOrd), Sum(QtyShipped),

    (Select sum(QtyOrd) - Sum(QTyShipped) from @SOSUM as xSS

    where xSS.SOLINEKEY = SS.SOLineKey and xSS.Period <= SS.Period),


    from @SOSUM as SS


    Select * from @SOSUMPeriod

    where SOKey = 14023 -- Limit to one order for testing

    REsult Set


    1402323012ECL-2055 "PANDROL" CLIPS - E2055600100.0000000 0.00000000600100.00000000200802

    1402323012ECL-2055 "PANDROL" CLIPS - E20550.0000000050000.00000000550100.00000000200803

    1402323012ECL-2055 "PANDROL" CLIPS - E20550.0000000025000.00000000525100.00000000200805

    1402323012ECL-2055 "PANDROL" CLIPS - E20550.0000000050000.00000000475100.00000000200806

    1402323012ECL-2055 "PANDROL" CLIPS - E20550.0000000025000.00000000450100.00000000200807

    I woud like to create extra entries in here for period 200801, 200804, 200808