• Neeraj...

    I have tried something similar to this unsuccessfully. I've worked on this for some time and am at the point of throwing in the towel. I want to validate a parameter length. I've set up code a number of different ways and finally settled on the following:

    Public Function CheckLength (ByVal MerchantID as String) As String

    Dim msg As String

    msg = ""


    If MerchantID.Trim.Length > 4 THEN

    msg="Merchant ID should not exceed 4 characters"


    msg = " "

    End If

    Catch ex As Exception


    Return msg

    End Function

    I then setup a parameter named "Validate" just as you described above. The parameter expression is set up as follows (I've tried many combinations):


    I either get an error on the hidden parameter or it just does nothing (when hidden parameter set up as above).

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
